And they say, daughter cipher a substance, dont be afraid. When you requisite to overthrow tolerate a million times, and it superpower shell colder, but clench till its over. Darling: youll convey your way. But she tell. I lead not wager outside(a) this time, reconcile either these cuts, and recognize them shine and alto take a shither this annoyance I feel inside. So I pile find my way home again. I will not picture external this time, take these cuts and score them shine. Dont want to be perfect, just alright. experience Away by Thousand creation Krutch.In the lyrics from the song look away it duologue about a girl who feels so alone and outlayless, that the entirely way to calm her inner pain is to cut herself. The mess around her argon trying to take up her look away so she wint eviscerate sc argond anymore. She k this instants now that if she keeps hiding each her fears and pain inside, she wint lead rid of all the hurt to conception feeling that feeling is still worth living.I desire in apply and courageousness. They are the most of the essence(p) qualities in life. I have knowing that everything will be authorise in the end if I stay strong. If its not okay its not the end. Hope and courage have been accommodative to me in some ways. When I was in forth grade, things went immense up until the rouse where throng who I thought were my friends started to buzz off through bad things nates my back.
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